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TIME Board

TIME Board

The International Marketing Expedition (TIME) is an initiative of study association Asset | Marketing in corporation with Tilburg University. The purpose of TIME is to conduct international market research for companies in interesting foreign markets. These research projects are conducted by talented students who are selected for project and have affinity with marketing.

TIME Board Members

The TIME Board consists of 4 students who are in the final stage of their studies at Tilburg University. The TIME Board is responsible for organizing the research expedition, accompanying the consultants in their research and completing the whole project successfully. Besides that, board members manage several things around the project, like all the promotion, Social Media and keeping contact with all external parties. 

One of these external parties is the TIME Foundation. This foundation exists of old TIME-members, business people and professors of Tilburg University, which accompany the researchers with their academic experience. The foundation focusses on advising the TIME Board on deadlines, acquisition, promotion and recruiting. On a monthly basis, there are meetings between the TIME Board and Foundation to discuss the progress of the project and to brainstorm about future possibilities. 

Together with the consultants, the TIME Board is responsible for the acquisition of Dutch participating companies. Acquisition is done both over phone and by visiting companies for sales appointments. During this phase you will learn skills in the field of sales, which will be an enrichment for your CV.

The final purpose of TIME is conducting research during four weeks abroad. Getting in touch with foreign cultures and get to know business etiquettes while conducting research will make TIME an unforgettable experience.

Skills you will develop

While being active in the TIME Board you will develop several skills. In this committee you will learn how to work intensively within a team, to keep an overview during the international trip, as well as the group of +/- 10 consultants that travel with. During the acquisition period you will learn skills in the field of sales. Besides this you will learn to discuss during different meetings and the importance of meeting deadlines set.

Are you interested in organizing the next edition of TIME as a board member or do you want to get more information? Visit the website or send an email to

Do you want to stay up to date about the project? Make sure to follow TIME on FacebookLinkedIn and Instagram!

Please note that for the most important phases of the project, it is necessary to control the Dutch language in reading, speaking and writing in order to successfully prepare, deliver and complete the project as agreed with the companies.

Committee members

Veerle van Brussel


Tasso Devetzis

Acquisition Coordinator & Operations Officer

Luca van Dooren

Treasurer & Operations Officer

Mylene van der Welle

Secretary & Public Relations