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Marketeer for a Year Committee

Marketeer for a Year Committee

You have the chance to be a marketeer for a year! Asset | Marketing has all sorts of channels to do promotion for events, member acquisition, and general brand awareness. However, there is always room to grow, which is where you will come into play. Asset | Marketing will give the committee a project to work on for the entire year, and together with the vice-chairman you will actively implement your findings of the project in the actual promotion of Asset | Marketing. This committee is obviously perfect for MSc. Marketing students who want to implement their theoretical knowledge in practice.

Skills you will develop

While being active in the Marketeer for a Year Committee you will develop several skills. In this committee you will learn how to work intensively together within a team and think out of the box. This way you will bring your creativity, organization and communication skills to a next level! 

Are you interested in joining this committee or want to know more? Send an email to

Committee members

Florine Van der Woude
