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Yearbook Committee

Yearbook Committee

As of 2016, Asset | Marketing is bringing out a Yearbook for all active members at the end of each academic year. As a member of this committee, you start with brainstorming about the content of the yearbook. Then you have to start collecting this content from everyone: committees, board, etc.

In the last yearbook, the following parts were included: the committees, descriptions of the organized activities, beautiful pictures, quotes and gossips about our active members. Additionally, as a committee member, you have to design the lay-out of the yearbook. This means you will be working with InDesign a lot to make the yearbook a success.

Skills you will develop

While being active in the Yearbook Committee you will develop several skills. In this committee you will learn how to work within a team, and develop your skills in Adobe programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Indesign. Besides this you will work on your creativity during the design of the Asset | Marketing Yearbook.

Are you interested in joining this committee or want to know more? Send an email to

Committee members

Femke Louer


Mandy Vervoort